
“媒生态—链世界”MDM百城自媒体生态论坛(全国行)城市见面会第一站在2019年10月15日走进青岛。MDM CMO及青岛各大社区代表以及1000多位人员等出席本场会议。



MDM是自媒体新业态的创新与探索者,是整个传媒产业的一次破局与颠覆,彻底革新传媒行业存在的弊病和痛点。在会议途中,我们有幸邀请要MDM CMO以及青岛各大社区代表进行了采访,通过了对几位先生女士的采访让我们对于MDM有了更大的了解,以下是记者与社区代表人物的采访对话:


1. 记者:创办MDM的初衷和背景是什么?MDM有着怎样的愿景?


2. 记者:目前市面上有公司也在做类似的产品,MDM相比这些竞品,有什么优势呢?





3. 记者:MDM通过去中心化的方法重构信息传递的利益分配,在技术上是如何实现的,又有什么亮点?


4. 记者:MDM有这么强的实力一定离不开顶尖的团队,麻烦给我们介绍一下MDM的核心团队?

社区代表:MEDIUM 基金会总部位于新加坡,主要投资于具有颠覆性技术或创新商业模式、拥有巨大市场机遇和强大管理团队的初创企业和成长型企业。投资的领域


智能设备、区块链技术等。MDM 基金会拥有卓越的学术、行业和投资背景,团队成员由各个领域的顶尖人才组成。

5. 记者:如果我想成为MDM的节点,应该怎么操作呢?

社区代表:所有人都可以通过搜索、域名等发现发布者公布的站点服务,在 P2P 网络中直接下载站点的数据。越来越多人访问后,发布者的站点就会被多台电脑保存,那些访问过你的网站的电脑就会开始为你的站点做种子,就像我们所熟知的 BT 种子一样,你的站点的内容就这样在无数台电脑中存续。

以下是与MDM CMO采访对话:


(图左为MDM CMO)


What is the business model of MDM? How do you achieve value growth in MDM?

CMO:MDM 媒介合约 App 内所有佣金提取时将扣除 8%到 10%通过链上合约进入合约钱包内,进行公开销毁。所以 MDM 的总量会不断减少,随着业务系统的运作 MDM 将会逐步销毁,MDM 的价值将会随着 MDM 的销毁逐步增长。

All commissions in MDM contracted applications will be deducted by 8% to 10% upon withdrawal through chain contracts and enter the contract wallet for public destruction. Therefore, the total amount of MDM will continue to decrease, and eventually, the market value of MDM will go up consistently.


Why did MDM choose to cooperate with BAR?

CMO:在技术选型的过程中,我们了解到 BAR 公链的技术特性和生态规划,其多

元化的生态内容及公链架构,十分贴合 Medium Chain 的前期发展目标。

1. 具有完备的公链技术架构

2. 生态用户众多,适合早期项目发展

3. 营运安全稳定

In the process of technology selection, we learned about the technical characteristics and ecological planning of the BAR chain. We found that its diversified ecological content and public chain structure fit the initial stage development goals of Medium Chain for the following reasons:

① It has a complete public chain technology architecture

② A large number of ecological users, suitable for early project development

③ Operational security and stability


What is the general economic model of MDM? How to ensure the circulation and value recognition of the certificate?

CMO:原链的开发和演进是一个严谨而较为漫长的过程,Medium Chain 在早期阶段将以 DAPP 生态应用的形式加入 BAR 生态,将于 BAR 公链发行名为 MDM的智能资产总计 10 亿枚。

此部分 MDM 将在 BAR 生态体系内进行流通,待 Medium Chain 原链条件成熟上线后,将进行比例不低于 1:1 的映射。

在原链上线前,Medium Chain 将借助 BAR 公链架构对 Medium Chain平台功能规划进行尽可能多的实现,并借此机会验证规划的完整性及商业可行性。

Medium Chain 流通数量总发行量10亿枚,前期流通量100万枚,用于链吧社区活动奖励,其余将通过自媒体合约进行媒体奖励挖出。MDM媒介合约DApp内所有佣金提取时将扣除8%到10%通过链上合约进入合约钱包内,进行公开销毁。所以MDM的总量会不断减少,最终MDM的市场价值将越来越高。

The R&D of an original chain is a rigorous and lengthy process. Medium Chain will join the BAR ecosystem in the early stages in the form of a DAPP ecology application; a total of 1 billion smart assets called MDM will be released in the BAR public chain.

This amount of the MDM will be circulated in the BAR ecosystem, and they will be mapped at a ratio of no less than 1:1 after the original chain has fully grown.

Before the original chain goes online, Medium Chain will use the BAR public chain architecture to implement its planned platform function as much as possible; it is also a great opportunity to verify the integrity and commercial feasibility of the plan.

The total circulation of MDM is 1 billion. The early-stage circulation is 1 million, which is used as rewards for Chain-Bar community activities.

All commissions in MDM contracted applications will be deducted by 8% to 10% upon withdrawal through chain contracts and enter the contract wallet for public destruction. Therefore, the total amount of MDM will continue to decrease, and eventually, the market value of MDM will go up consistently.


What do you think of the existing blockchain media?

CMO:当今市面上暂时没有一个完善的去中心化媒介体系来承载各种丰富的媒体服务类型,在自媒体行业经历过2016-2018年的井喷期后,现已逐步开始行业规范及洗牌,在此背景下Medium Chain媒介链应运而生。用去中心化、可信赖的区块链技术代替传统的中心化角色。

Currently, there is no perfect decentralized media system in the market to carry various types of media services. After the "Self-media" industry experienced a blowout period from 2016 to 2018, the industry has gradually started to standardize and reshuffle. Under this background, Medium Chain emerges at the right moment. Replace the traditional central role with decentralized, reliable blockchain technology.






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